
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Membership Fees

Full season 

  • Adult renewing member: $275
  • Adult new member: $325  (This includes a once off $50 joining fee)

Membership commences on the date of fee payment and is renewable on the anniversary of that date.

What does membership include?

  • Up to 3 training sessions per week, depending on the time of the year
  • Coaching by our experienced coaching team
  • Insurance covering all dragon boating activities
  • Membership of Dragon Boat Victoria (the governing body for dragon boating in Victoria)
  • Membership of the Australian Dragon Boat Federation (the governing body for dragon boating in Australia).

Apply for membership

If you have already tried the Dragon Pass (our  free trial membership for a month), and want to become a member, or if you just want to join, click on the Contact link and let us know and we will get the ball rolling.

When your membership application is approved, we will email you our bank details so that you can deposit your fees into our bank account (please note we are unable to accept credit card payments or cheques). The adult new member fee, above, includes a once off $50 joining fee. You will become a member once your application has been approved and we have received your membership fee in full.

New members should familiarise themselves with the Dragon Masters policies and procedures available at Governance/Documents.

Please contact us if you have any membership questions.

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